Saturday, January 24, 2015

We left the Marina at 11 in our motorhome

We left the marina around eleven am. Our plan was to spend the night in Saint Augustine at Anastasia State Park Campground. We were amazed when we were told the campground was full.  Snowbirds fill up the Florida State parks in the winter.  The ranger said due to the cold temperatures up north and cheap gas all of the campgrounds are full until the end of March.   My heart sank and I told him we only need a site for one day. He told Rich he could turn the motor home around about a mile up the road so we drove through the park down hearted because we had no plan B.

As we were approaching the office I saw the ranger outside and he waved us down.  He told us a site just opened up but we could only have it for one night.  I was thanking the Lord and being amazed by His tender loving care. Our campsite was really nice and the park is so peaceful and beautiful.  Rich began to set up the site and I began to open up the inside and set up our home.

Rich came inside and said the break line was leaking and we had no breaks.  We needed to get a new break line put on the passenger side.  We did not bring my PT Cruiser and we had no way to get to an auto part store and Rich needed tools to change the break line.  So we just prayed and asked the Lord to show us what to do.  Rich decided to call our friends Bob and Mattie.  We left them the use of our car while we are away.  Bob said they would be at the campground by 7:30 am.  Rich and Bob went to the auto parts store and Rich changed the break line.  We were working under the wire because we had to be out of our site by one pm.  I made a nice lunch for Bob and Mattie and they left to go back to the marina.  We pulled out of the site at 12:45 dumped the garbage and pumped out the tank.  We began heading south on A1A hoping to stop in Flagler Beach State Park.
I can not upload pictures until I have good internet.  Continued next blog.
Be Blessed!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Amazing Pink fog above the marina!

 The sky went from gloomy gray fog to bright pink. I was sitting in the salon with the blinds open when suddenly the sky turned pink and bright color shone in through the window.
I grabbed my camera and walked out to the side of the boat and took some pictures, but pictures can not do justice to the true beauty.
It only lasted for a few short minutes before the sky went back to gray.
The Bible says that in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ, that signs and wonders are going to increase in the skies, and what I just witnessed was truly one of those signs. It also gives me something to write about this week for my blog. I am going to try to write a post on my blog on Tuesdays and Saturday. It is one of my new years resolutions.
 Rich had his first physical therpy session. He is doing good he has full range of motion and the therepist told him that he only needs to wear his boot when he goes walking. That is a good thing because he was so ready to take it off. He goes back on Thrusday. 
Well have a beautiful day and Be Blessed!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sitting in the motorhome

 One of the advantages of living a mobile life style is you have two options when things don’t always turn out the way you would like them to.  Rich saw the orthopedic doctor on Tuesday and after he looked at the results of the MRI informed Rich that he was a very lucky man. The tear to his Achilles  tendon was upward not across. That is a good thing because if the tear was across he would need surgery.  He said the blood flow to the ankle is good so he believes Rich will not have to have surgery.  Rich was fitted for a boot and has to have physical therapy. He was given a prescription for inflammatory meds and pain. He has to go back to the doctor in six weeks.

We ordered a new motor for the bedroom slide, bought a new battery and converter for our motor home. Since we can't travel south aboard the Morningstar we are getting the motor home ready to travel south. Right now we at Joey's shop and Rich is working on our motorhome while I am trying out the Verizon Jetpack 4G WiFi . We increased our data plan to 10G and purchased the Jetpack when we thought we were leaving. It is going to be nice though because I will have internet when we are traveling in the motor home as well as the Morningstar. We are hoping to travel south within the next two weeks

The weather turned cold this week but once the sun comes out and the wind dies down it warms up nicely.
Have a wonderful day and Be Blessed!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rich had the MRI done today

I just like this proverb so I posted it!
Our family doctor was able to get Rich's MRI ordered and he went and had it done this afternoon. His Orthepidic doctor appointment is next Thrusday morning so unless they move it up sooner we will still have to wait until next week to know how they will proceed. Poor Rich is going crazy waiting this thing out. He worked on the dinghy over the weekend.  He got it out of the water and washed up so he could hang it back up on the dinghy davids, now that we have the new stainless pullies and remote wenches.  We are suppose to have cold temperatures for this week so Rich wanted it done before the weather changed.
The next project is getting the motor home problems repaired so we can take a trip south with it to see Ron and Kathy.  We had to order a complete motor for the bedroom slide from Newmar.  Rich took the motor apart yesterday and found out all the teeth were chipped. That was not pleasant news. The converter is also not working so we have to order a new power converter. The house batttery is dead so that also needs to be repaired. When you let things sit unused repairs are always needed. 
So as we wait for direction from the Lord and the results of the MRI we have some projects to keep us busy. Happy New Year to all.  Be Blessed

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The New Year has Begun

I love God's Promises!
You can hold on to them when things do not always go the way you perfer them to go. I also love the start of a new year.  New beginnings,  a new start back to an unfilled goals. For me I am going back to Curves. I though I would be away from Curves and unable to exercise while motoring and exploring new adventures along the shore line of the intercoastal waterway south, but that has been postponed while we wait to find out the extent of the damage to Rich's Achilles Tendin.
So on Monday I am going back to Curves without my friend Phylis who always tried to motavated me.  Phylis and the boys are in the Bahamas enjoying themselves and fullfilling their dream. I am sure she is getting excercise and enjoying meeting new people.
I have two friends at Curves. My friend June who is my senior citizen friend and Teddi who is my young and beautiful Curves motaving coach and friend. So I guess the Lord wants me to stay here in Jacksonville for a while longer. As long as our trip north in May does not get cancled I can ajust to this disapointment because I know the Lord needs more time to prepare us for what lies ahead.
We have just been relaxing aboard the Morningstar. The past few days were cool and damp but today and tomorrow are going to be in the low eighties. So today we are just enjoy the weather, we have the boat all opened up. It is truly a beautiful day. We picked up Rich's new glasses . They fell off his face into the river when he was locking the port side sundeck door. We are going to replace the lights in the gally with led lights. It really needs more light.
So I guess that is it for this post. Happy New Year and may Jesus wrap you in His loving arms of love and shield you from all the danger.
Be Blessed!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1, 2015

Happy New Year to all of my friends and family.  We love you dearly. Lord, please bless my family and readers with peace this year. Your peace in times of trouble and your love in times of need!  Let Your Will be done this year in our lives and we ask you to continue to direct our path. We believe we are following after our dream and the desire you have placed in our hearts.  You have just changed the direction of our life. We are not pulling up anchor and headed south aboard the Morningstar. Instead we are waiting for the nurse to call about the date for Rich’s MRI .
Goodby 2014. You were a good year.  I know 2015 will be even better year because each day I am going to try to draw closer to Jesus by talking to the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me. Our plans (course) changed for a reason I can not see yet..  We did not leave with Doug and Leslie. on Saturday morning.  I guess the Morningstar is staying at dock ,but her tanks are filled and we are ready to leave on a moments notice.
Our Friends Mattie, Carol, Leslie and Doug
Bob, Rich and Steve

Since we are not leaving the OYCM for a while Rich is socializing more and we have had many visitors aboard the “Morningstar “and they all like my new cushions.  We have some amazing friends here and also at Ortega Landing Debbie and Richie. I also have my friends June and Teddies from Curves. I miss my friend Phyllis and the boys very much. But when I think of them I begin to pray that they are enjoying  the adventure God sent them on. They own a  40 ft catamaran. They are presently in the Bahamas and touching a lot of people with their love.
Fred and Rich
In today’s devotional January 1st "Jesus Calling by Sara Young" it says I must come to Jesus with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed, a close walk with Him is a life of continual newness and I must not cling to old ways as I step into a new year. So as this new year begins that is my new years resolution,  Be Blessed and spend  time this year talking with God.