Saturday, November 29, 2014

Preparing for our first real adventure

A few weeks ago while I was praying with my friend Phyllis,  the Lord gave me a mental picture of Jesus sleeping in the boat while His disciples were in a panic. A severe storm appeared of hurricane proportions and Jesus was in a peaceful sleep. His disciples tried to handle the situation by themselves, but only growing more frightened as the winds howled and the boat tossed violently. His disciples decided to wake up the Lord and tell them that they were about to perish.  As I watched the Lord open His eyes the peace that radiated from His eyes was amazing. Jesus spoke to the storm and it instantly calmed down. Suddenly the peace I saw in His eyes transcended to the storm and just the sound of His voice and the authority He possessed resulted in a miracle. The storm stopped and His disciples were amazed.
Then I hear in my heart the voice of the Holy Spirit telling me this is the peace I want you to have. When I said my peace I give to you I was referring to the peace that passes understanding. There is no storm on land or on the sea that I will not be with you. You need not fear the future because I am with you wherever you go.
Last Sunday my dear friend Phyllis and her family left the OYCM for the Bahamas . This morning our dear friends Myron and Dena also left the Marina for the Bahamas. There are only a handful of live a boarders that are still living here since we moved to the OYCM almost five years ago.  Many new people have come and gone but the original group have truly dwindled,
Now after years of planning it looks like Rich, Lucky and I are getting ready to leave the dock. An exciting but fearful moment. Yes that is why I believe that I was blessed to have that vision in my head a few weeks ago. New adventures and experiences are waiting for us and very soon we will be leaving here. Most of the projects on the Morningstar are completed. If the weather is good this coming weekend  we will drop the hook and dinghy and teach Lucky to learn how to climb aboard the dinghy from the sundeck. I am so thankful I have the picture of Jesus in my head and the promise of His peace and presence with us. I am also happy that I know my treasured friends will be safe in the arms of Jesus because they love Him dearly and are out on the waterways sharing His love with other boaters. We are so Blessed!


Be Blessed!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! Be Blessed!

We all have so many things to be thankful for so lets take a few minutes to stop and give thanks to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He blesses all of us with His lovingkindness each day and His mercies that are new every monring.
This is a poem my sister Maisie wrote when she was in grammer school. I always loved it!
Here comes the turkery nice and brown
mother puts it on the tray
but before the turkey's passed around
we bow our heards and pray
The cranberry sauce is red and round
the stuffing looks good too
I'll have some turkery nice and brown
and here is some for you!
Thank you Maisie for that special memory that stays with me every Thanksgiving. You are a wonderful sister.  I love all of my sisters very much and I am so thankful I got to spend a week with all of them in August. I am thankful for all of my family and friends that become dear to me with each passing day. I am thankful to the Lord for healing my son Tom and for His continuing healing presence in their lives. I am so blessed to be living close to my son Rick, Vande and my grandsons who watch out for us and have drawn closer to Jesus and His amazing love in a deeper way this year.
I am blessed to have had my son Brian, Julie and Adam visit us this past year for Easter. Adam finally got a chance to meet his cousins. I am thankful that our house in NY finally sold so Rich and I could prepare to travel aboard the Morningstar. We hope to be leaving the dock in the new few weeks and travel south on the intercoastal towards the Florida Keys. I am thankful that our dear friends Sue and Shelby were able to visit us this past winter. I am thankful to have also received a visit from my cousin Joe and Patty. Both of their visits to the Morningstar were special. I could go on an on and on because these are only a small fraction of the many blessings in my life.

The greatest blessing in my life is spending my golden years with the man I love and have loved for almost 50 years. The greastest gift God has given me except for His precious son Jesus. We know that our Lord Jesus is guiding our lives and providing for our every need. His unconditional love and presence in our lives brings joy and meaning to our lives. We know that our lives our truly in His hands.  Be Blessed this Thanksgiving and please take a few minutes to look up and give thanks to the Lord for His amazing love!
Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God; I will exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.