Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A dinghy named Spirit

We have been back at the marina for two weeks and despite the hot humid weather we are delighted to be back on the water. There will always be  more projects for Rich to do but now that the Morningstar's bottom job is completed, we are looking forward  to  taking  short trips. So his weekend we are planning on getting Lucky use to traveling, We also need to teach Lucky how to get into the dinghy from the boat.  They say you can not teach an old dog new tricks but we plan to prove that wrong. Lucky will learn quickly. Because he will want to be with us. 

We bought a new dinghy from West Marine. This one is much lighter than the AB hard bottom one, so it will be easier for Rich and I to handle it. It is another rib dinghy but only weights 110 pounds  without the motor. Our old dinghy weighted 160 pounds. We are having our 15HP outboard repaired and are going to use that one. Rich has been building the dingy davids and making the lift system, and it  is just about completed. 
We decided to name our dinghy Spirit! 
To honor the Holy Spirit!
 Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Here are some pictures of the lift system that Rich designed and built. 

Be Blessed!

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