Friday, March 21, 2014

Leaving Hanna Park going back to Rick's yard

March 19, 2014

Camp site
Seth and Jeremy sleeping.
This week we moved our motor home from Hanna Park to our son Rick’s backyard in Bryceville Florida.  Our grandsons, Seth and Jeremy came over with Rick and Vande on Saturday for a birthday cookout.  They gave me (yellow) Paula Dee cookware for the motor home.  I love it.  It’s so enjoyable cooking when I have special cookware.  Seth and Jeremy stayed overnight with us in the motor home, and it was an enjoyable night for all of us.  We all got up early and went to McDonalds for breakfast, and then we took a nice walk along the beach. It was a sunny but windy day and the ocean was vibrant.  There were some folks shore fishing and we watched a lady catch a nice size whiting.  While we were camped at Hanna Park we had a week of sunshine.  
I rode my bike around the campground and discovered more of their picturesque lake and primitive campsites.  I talked with a camp host and noticed a vacant spot for another host camper. The site is right by their amphitheater.  It is a nice spot and I would like to become a host camper and move over there for a few months while the Morningstar is having her extensive work done, However, Rich says he doesn’t want me to apply for the host camper position.  I am a little sad about it because I love Hanna Park, but we have a lot of work to do on the Morningstar and Rich really wants to start on it.  I believe Hanna Park is truly God’s gift to Jacksonville.  You can really relax and soak up some of nature’s beauty.

Empty Host camper site.
We packed up and left Hanna Park around noon and the sun was still shining.  The weather was calling for heavy rain for the next few days and Rich wanted to get our motor home set up in the yard before the heavy downpours. Our home for the next two months while the Morningstar is out of the water.

The work that is being done while the Morningstar is at Hutckins is going to be even more  expensive, because the mechanic  had trouble getting the shafts out and had to cut off our starboard coupler to complete the shaft tube replacement.  They also had to supply new couplers ports and starboard shaft. They are going to replace the cutlass bearings in the shaft tube. 
The Morningstar came out of the water on March 3rd and the two month wait for the drying period for the bottom has not started yet.  The pealing of the bottom was started and seeing the blisters and the effect they had on the fiberglass is overwhelming.  This work was truly needed to restore the bottom back to health and beauty.

There are still many projects Rich wants to do on the inside of the boat but he has to wait for Hutckins to finish their work because he needs to get inside to do it.
It started to rain shortly after we brought the motor home back to Rick's yard.  The weather forcast is for heavy rain for the next three days.  We had a rainy week when we were parked at the OYCM gate, then a week of sunshine at Hanna Park and now another week of rain.  However, this week the sun will be back out on Thursday.  Thrusday is also the first day of spring.  Monday we got over two inches of rain. Rich had to work for Joey and I stayed in the motor home enjoying the quiet time.  I organized some important paper work and spent the day with the Holy Spirit. I do not have internet in the motor home so if I want internet I have to go into the house and I wasn't leaving the motor home in that rain. Rich and I will be watching our grandsons and the dogs, this week while Rich and Vande go to Atlanta for a business conference.  
Family dinner with Colton, Emma, and Jeremy,
Be Blessed!



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