Wow, it is almost the end of October and we are just a few days away from launching the Morning Star. Living in northern Florida in October, the weather is delightful, but the evening are starting to get cooler. Some nights have been cold. The lows are dropping into the upper forties lower fifties. October days are delightful and with very low humidity.
This is the start of the sixth week Rich and I have been staying aboard our boat. Our plans are to have the Morning Star put into the water tomorrow and stay at the dock until the canvases are done. We are supposed to get storms at the end of the week and I do not want to take the boat home to the Ortega Yacht Club Marina in any storms. I want the day we take our boat home to be sunny and beautiful. I prayed for beautiful weather the day we head to OYCM and God's Angles to watch over us. Perhaps I will see a Dolphin. This is Halloween week and I know for a fact many more demons roam freely. I asked Jesus for His Devine protection on our journey. I asked Him for no wind unless the afternoon sun gets too hot.It has been six years since I was a first mate. We are hoping to see an alligator in Black Creek. We may stop there for a night. The trip is only 50 nautical miles. For me it would be like crossing Oneida Lake and coming straight back. I want to get use to the Morningstar and gain my confidence back. Of course in the evenings I would love a gentle breeze to come inside the Morningstar. I am looking forward for the opportunity to open up my port windows and feel the clean night air blowing around my head. It helps me sleep. I love those windows and even though I was not looking for a boat with them the Lord read my heart and I am so happy about my nautical port opening windows. This boat has five opening port windows with screens. Three are in our guest stateroom, two in our gaily (kitchen), and one in the main bathroom.
Rich took the rest of this week off because the dock master is leaving Wednesday night for a wedding and he will not be back until Monday. Although it has been fun living here three days a week for the past six weeks, Rich and I want to get back to our home and family at the OYCM. We are not able to bring Lucky with us here in dry-dock. We can't lift him into our boat. Lucky is so sad when we leave the house. He starts getting nervous when he sees us bring out bags to the Durango. I am thankful that Rich and Vande are keeping him for us now. We are looking forward to getting our life back to normal and bring Lucky aboard.
Rick asked Tom the dock master if we could stay at the dock until the canvas man finishes our boat. Tom said “yes”. So here we are waiting for the canvas to get done. When we stopped at the shop Adam was working on them. He said he has been working all weekend and is trying to get the work done. Adam works slowly but his work is beautiful. He gives you just what you asked him for. Adam is also making me a dark blue carpet to fit the upper bridge. I also asked him to make a hatch cover for the hatch in the front of the boat.I think Adam plans to install the piece he made for the large windshield curtains later this afternoon. Right now I have curtains Shirley made for the inside windows and they have been working very well for us. Without them on the front of the boat Rich and I would have been living in a glass bowl. I guess it is time for me to vacuum the boat. We will be moving into the water tomorrow afternoon.
Our new view
Be Blessed!